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ODA > Project
what we are doing

is to promote digital societies in Africa

Tanzania Artificial Intelligence (AI) Women Lab

The program aims to leverage use of AI to empower women in their everyday activities.

Digital Democracy Project (DDP)

Digital Democracy Project works with citizens to promote democracy online.

Eradication of Online Radicalism and Violence

This program seeks to educate users on how to recognize and resist extremist narratives through awareness campaigns and community initiatives.

Digital Human Rights (DHR) Program

We consider digital rights to be human rights as applicable in the digital sphere. DHR provides awareness training and documents digital rights violations and publish reports that can help authorities and human rights defenders to take action appropriate actions.

Africa Digital Education Program

The program has a series of small and sustainable training projects. The overall aim of these training projects is to close the digital literacy gap in African communities. These projects also target to provide digital skills to marginalized groups such as youth, women and persons with disabilities (PWDs).

Women Inclusion Program (WIP)

The aim of this program is to bridge the digital gender divide by addressing digital access gaps and barriers in Africa. In 2022, the Group Special Mobile Association (GSMA) reported that 46% of the male population in Africa used the internet whereas the internet usage among the women population was 34%. This calls for action to ensure the reduction of this gender disparity.